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Date: 3 Feb 1944


BASE: Gioia del Colle

TARGET: Arrezo, Italy--Marshalling Yard

SHIP: Sakinshack …256


BOMBS: 10 x 500 lb. General Purpose from 20,500 feet

ENEMY AIRCRAFT: 6 ME-109’s. Two ME-109’s with yellow spinners attacked single B-24 just west of Rome. The abortive B-24 dove into clouds and evaded the fighters.

FLAK: Light Volume, Accurate Aim, Heavy Caliber

RESULTS: Returned bombs to base due to complete overcast over target.

SORTIES: 1 Total: 3

MISSION TIME: 6:45 Total: 16:15

NARRATIVE: We lurched down the short, sloppy runway, plastering the underside of our ship with mud. Rendezvoused with 450th and 449th bomb groups but due to weather they became separated and bombed secondary target. Saw about 6 ME-109’s observing us but none came in for the attack. This made me as nervous as if there were no fighters. Again I was sweating in the cold.

Muddy airfield in southern, ”sunny” Italy early 1944

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