Date: 3 April 1944
BASE: San Pancrazio
TARGET: Budapest, Hungary--Marshalling Yard
SHIP: Sakinshack …256
ESCORT: Fifteen P-47’s (325th Fighter Group--Checker Tails) up to the initial point of the bomb run and twelve P-38’s (14th Fighter Group 49th Squadron) met us a few minutes after our rally.
BOMBS: 12 x 500 lb. General Purpose from 22,000 feet
ENEMY AIRCRAFT: 15-20 ME-109’s, 5 FW-190’s, 4 JU-88’s, 1 ME-210
FLAK: Intense Volume, Accurate Aim, Heavy Caliber over target. Also flak encountered over Sarajevo, Szekesfehervar and Dubrovnik.
RESULTS: Well placed hits in center of marshalling yard. Railway and highway bridge across the Danube suffered direct hit and many near misses.
SORTIES: 2 Total: 18
MISSION TIME: 8:00 Total: 90:00
NARRATIVE: Smoke screens in target area so it was partially obscured. But the target was hit well with hits on choke point and in center of marshalling yard. There was a great explosion and fire caused by hits on the adjacent oil refinery. And a large fire started in a factory building.
While still 34 minutes from the target a cruising formation of 15 to 20 ME-109’s were seen flying higher and to the right of our formation. No attacks were made. Trailing slightly were 2 JU-88s at a higher level who seemed to be directing the flight. Then our P-47 escort reached their fuel limit and left us, leaving me with a feeling of despair. Actual attacks started just before the target when 5 FW-190’s approached from the rear, but stayed back and fired 20mm cannon without closing. Attacks then increased in intensity up to the target and as our formation rallied. ME-109’s and FW-190’s attacked from 3 and 9 o’clock diving underneath while JU-88’s closed in at 5 and 7 o’clock breaking off on either side. Then with a flood of relief, I spotted our P-38 escort coming to shepard us home. The enemy attacked after the P-47’s left us before the target and before the P-38’s arrived. Without our fighter escort the enemy attacks would have been much worse.
15th Air Force over Budapest, Hungary 3 April 1944